Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Do you find it odd that the NOW is endorsing Obama/Biden instead of McCain/Palin ?

According to National Public Radio:

Morning Edition, September 16, 2008

Rarely does the National Organization For Women endorse a presidential candidate. On Tuesday, the group announced it is endorsing Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. Kim Gandy, president of NOW, talks with Renee Montagne about why the organization is endorsing Obama.


I must confess, I find this very puzzling. Shouldn't the National Organization for Women be supporting the candidate who has chosen a female running mate? With glass ceiling is poised to be broken, don't they risk being on the wrong side of History?|||The NOW people aren't about women's rights anymore. They are just a front for abortion clinics.|||I am not a woman, but it makes total sense why most women are not voting for Palin/McCain. |||This misconception is that women fell for McCain's pick. Not all women are on the extreme side of the abortion topic, and based on McCain's voting record - he does not support women's rights.|||No

That women is a traitor

to women and their choices|||LoL |||Uh no not at all.

They're siding with the ticket that has a history of championing women's rights (Joe Biden and the VAWA) and who intend to keep us legally pro-choice.

I'd be shocked if it were the other way around.|||It is not odd at all. Palin's views are extreme, and she opposes abortion in all cases, and is against the teaching of sex ed and birth control. These are things that NOW supports. Also, Palin's view of the age of the world, oil, and dinosaurs is pretty far out and shows a lack of scientific knowledge.|||They are just a wing of the democratic party acting like the care for women's rights. They don't care about women they just want votes for the democrats. i think it must be about a half dozen women working out of their basement.|||NOW is a Radical Feminist Organization that thinks Abortion on Demand up until the moment of Birth should be acceptable.How would they vote for anyone but Obama.In fact I think they like Obama's platform even more,since he supports Aborting a child even after it's born,as his opposition to the Born Alive Infant Protection Act proves.

Obama666|||They can't support Palin shes told more lies in two weeks than Bush has in 8 years. Having used her retarded child as a prop at the convention late at night when he was sleeping pissed a lot of women off. The backlash is coming and hitting Palin in the face.|||Not at all....they have been, for many years, the national organization for ABORTION on demand, and haven't anything else to say to or about women. It has become the be all and end all of their religion, and most true feminists wouldn't be caught dead at a NOW meeting.|||Because the elction is about ideology - not biology.|||Palin is poorest example McCain could have chosen. She does not stand for women's rights.|||They're going for the candidate that best promotes women's rights, not the candidate that happens to be a woman.|||NOW is a group of very smart women and I don't blame them for choosing OBAMA/Biden|||Palin is in it for herself...not women in general.|||This is super stupid. Palin is to women what Alan Keyes is to blacks. A traitor. Keyes is on the ballot. How many black votes do you think he'll get? Keyes ran against Obama for the senate here in illinios. the Republicans used your same logic. they put up a black face; Alan Keyes.

Palin is at odds in total with NOW.|||most women do NOT want a women telling them that they CANNOT have an abortion, that they CANNOT have a gay marriage, that they MUST learn about creationism in schoolsm that they MUst support Israel and that they MUST send their sons off to war just because she did.

I totally understand why women are not voting for Palin. It has nothing whatsoever to do with her gender. It has everything to do with her beliefs.|||Not really. First off, NOW endorses politicians all of the time (that comment is just another example of how biased NPR is). But NOW has gone from being a group fighting for women's rights to being a radical, progressive left-wing lobby group with a narrow agenda. Any woman who breaks with them suffers their wrath. Just ask Tammy Bruce.|||As the Daily Show countered before this revelation, women aren't going to vote for someone just because they have a vagina. Obviously they have brains and realize that Palin is a typical neo-con and is against everything they stand for. In fact the only thing they have in common is the fact that they have vaginas.||| Sara Palin does not represent their views,,its that simple!|||Palin is against abortion, even when the woman has been raped. McCain cheated on his wife when she was disfigured by an accident. Biden wrote and sponsored the "Violence Against Women" Act. Maybe these facts will help solve the puzzle.|||Makes perfect sense to me. Why would we want that 'glass ceiling' broke by a woman who doesn't represent the majority of modern women? She would pull us 10 years back not push us forward.|||Just because she is a woman, doesn't mean she supports the same things NOW supports. Age, gender, race should be irrelevant. Their feelings on the issues is the important thing. |||NOW is run by a bunch of OLD lesbians who never had anything and need a movement just to get a date even with another woman. They burned their bras and then looked like old hillbillies with beer bellies.

McCain/Palin '08|||uh.. 'I must confess' that "No." I dont find it 'odd' at all. a tad inteersting or perhaps ironic but not if you understood womens issues at all.

Now, next 'not dumb' question please|||Not really. McCain has a history of not voting for women's issues in congress. He made a direct pander to Hillary Clinton supporters during the last Dem. primary. He came off being very patronizing, given he once insulted her, her daughter and Janet Reno. Sarah Palin, though a woman, as well doesn't support the same women's issues.

Although picking Sarah Palin did energize the republican social conservative base, it is beginning to backfire and alienate women voters.|||According to the interview today on NPR they said that because Palin is pro-life even in cases of rape or incest they would not support her. Well, since I am pro-using my mind in all cases and I, as a woman, can actually base my vote on more than one issue I will support McCain/Palin. I have even less respect for NOW based on this than I did before. After the way Hillary was treated by the media in the primaries and comments made by Obama reguarding her, for the NOW to try to feed me a line that they can't back Palin because she is pro-choice is just insulting. There is more to a woman than her reproductive organs and there is more to a candidate than the stance they take on one issue. Shame on the NOW. |||No its not odd at all because the NOW knows just why McCain picked Palin to get the female vote because NOW was behind Hillary 100%.He did not care when Hillary was running so all of a sudden Bam! Here's Palin on his ticket you do the math.|||ABCNews.go.com said that Alaskan women were charged for rape kits under Palin's watch. I assume the kits are provided for free in other places. This may have influenced NOW's decision.

The controversy about the librarian getting fired may be another reason. I know Palin hadn't listed specific books yet but the only reason she would have been asking about banning books is that she planned future censorship. Why would a librarian have to support the mayor. It would be nice if mayors and librarians always got a long but it they don't it's no reason for the librarian to be ran out.

Palin's church has some unusual doctrines that seem to influence her political actions in a harmful way. She has spoken at the church so it must be important to her. I saw a her preacher talking about people being raptured to Alaska, Wisconsin and another state. They must be reading the NIV. Maybe I missed that day at church. I hope everyone sends me a postcard from Alaska when that happens.

I read that she hunts animals from airplanes but haven't researched that yet.

She presents herself as a plain folks hockey mom but wears $400 designer glasses.

She said that war with Russia would be okay under certain hypothetical situations. If Georgia becomes a member of NATO and Russia invades it again she would support war with Russia.

The other controversy is over the guy getting fired for not firing Palin's ex brother in law as a state trooper. The ex brother in law was in a nasty divorce with her sister. Someone said something about the trooper taisering a 9 year old though. Maybe the truth about why his boss got fired will come out soon.

If anything were to happen to McCain, God forbid, she could be president for 12 years so NOW and everyone else should know everything about her.

She comes off as kind of mean in her speeches and McCain went negative right after he picked her even though he claimed he wouldn't.

Oh, I almost forgot her flip-flop on the bridge to nowhere and all the other pork.

|||I'm a woman and I would vote for Obama. Just because you're of the same sex as someone doesn't mean that their policies, beliefs or even behaviour wash with you. And anyway, hilary endorses Obama so I guess, if you want to think of it as women only supporting other women, you could look at it that way

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