Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hi, philosophic text revision?

Hi I'm a non native english speaker, i gotta do a english homework about philosophy i was wondering if you can correct it thanks

The term ethics was introduced in philosophic language by Aristotle,(it comes from the greek èthikòs,that is ethos which means “behaviour” or “costume”),and it represents that part of philosophy which studies the man conduct.The idea of the good asserts that the definitive truth is inaccessible by itself,and then what it’s worth is the pursuit of the truth.But what good to search for something that is unreachable?The answer is that the truth that sets men free from the ignorance that is from thinking to have a definitive truth,it is reached with the dialogue and the comparison with the other men,this is the principle that cannot be removed for the discovery of a shared truth and not definitive.This dialogue from which derives a shared truth,owns two different meanings,the moral one,that is respect for the opinions of those whom we compare with,and the theoretic one,that consists in the awareness of knowing not to know and so with this dialogue we can reach the truth.

While with the term relativism,the sophists intend every philosophic conception that doesn’t allow absolute truth in the field of knowledge.

The idea of the Good in socrates’ thought is also related to the concepts of politic and religion.As for politics , he didn't want to abolish it . Before being killed , Socrates was helped to get away from the prison , but he refused to do it : as a matter of fact he really observed the laws , that must never be violated . Law can be criticized , but not violated : when a law is unjuste ( according to Socrates ) , you mustn't violate it , but you must undertake to make it change . Socrates sayd that it was his duty to make the law change and it was correct that he died because he wasn't be able to make it . People from Athens thought that they had got rid of Socrates killing him , but in reality , in order to reaaly get rid of him , they should have killed him in " philosophical way " , defeating him with their words . They wanted to hiss Socrates , but they got the opposite result : infact Plato , who was determined to become a political , was troubled by Socrates's events and devoted himself to philosophy . The end of " Apology " is very famous : Socrates talks to his pupils before being killed : " Now it's time to leave : I go to death , you go to life . Who of us walks to a superior destination is dark for everybody : not for my god " . In " Symposium " by Plato Alcibiade says that Socrates looks like no man of the past or of the present : he is a new figure . He is not interested in politics , but he doesn't hate it , he doesn't refuse partyes , but he doesn't identify himself with them ( in " Symposium " all the guests fall asleep , except Socrates ).As to religion the Socratic ethics has a teleogical character-mechanistic explanation of human behaviour is mistaken.Human actions aims towards the god,and there is purpose in nature.While for the sophists unlike Socrates the politcs (arête) is conceived not as law observance but as means knowledge with which the men can obtain the success and power among the population,also addressing him to the choice of the good.

This idea of the Socratic good was carried out by Platonism and Aristotle.Aristotle in the nicomachea’s ethics divided the good that can be obtained with the pleasurefrom the good (divine),that can be achieved with the medidation and the virtue of a good conduct.On the other hand the idea of relativism was carried out by Hume and Montagne,and it was considered the consequence of the same human nature,unable to transcend the human limits,all that bacon called idola specus,Instead Pascal talks about the relativism both under the teological-metaphisic aspect and the psicological one.

As for the nowdays society the principle of dialogue,and of the free expression are the bases of the politics and also of the religion,because with the dialogue we can arrive to a shared solution that even if is not the best,it still is valid.|||The term ethics was introduced into philosophic language by Aristotle, it comes from the greek èthikòs, that is "ethos", which means "behaviour" or "costume", and it represents that part of philosophy which studies mankind's conduct. The idea of the good asserts that the definitive truth is inaccessible by itself, and what it’s worth then is the pursuit of the truth. But what good is it to search for something that is unreachable? The answer is that the truth that sets men free from ignorance is from thinking you have to have a definitive truth. It is reached with dialogue and the comparison of it with other men, this is the principle that cannot be removed from the discovery of a shared truth and not definitive. This dialogue which derives a shared truth, owns two different meanings, the moral one - that is respect for the opinions of those whom we compare with, and the theoretic one - that consists in the awareness of knowing how to know and so with this dialogue we can reach the truth.

With the term relativism, the Sophists inplement every philosophic conception that doesn’t allow absolute truth into the field of knowledge.

The idea of "the Good" in Socrates’ thought is also related to the concepts of politic and religion. As for politics, he didn't want to abolish it . Before being killed, Socrates was asked if he could be helped to escape from prison, but he refused it. As a matter of fact he really observed the laws - he believed that Laws must never be violated. Law can be criticized, but not violated. When a law is unjust (according to Socrates), you mustn't violate it, but you must undertake to make it change . Socrates said that it was his duty to make the law change. It was correct that he died because he wasn't be able to make it change. People from Athens thought that they had gotten rid of Socrates by killing him, but in reality in order to truly get rid of him, they should have killed him in "philosophical way " - defeating him with their words. They wanted to scorn Socrates, but they got the opposite result. In fact his student Plato, who was determined to become a political entity, was troubled by Socrates's events and devoted himself to philosophy. The end of "Apology " is very famous as Socrates talks to his pupils before being killed:

"Now it's time to leave: I go to death, you go to life. Who of us walks to a superior destination is dark for everybody : not for my god."

In "Symposium" by Plato, Alcibiade says that Socrates looks like no man of the past or of the present: he is a new figure. He is not interested in politics, but he doesn't hate it, he doesn't refuse parties, but he doesn't identify himself with them (in " Symposium " all the guests fall asleep, except Socrates).

As for religion the Socratic ethics has a teleogical character-mechanistic explanation of human behaviour is mistaken. Human actions aims towards the good, and there is purpose in nature. While for the sophists (unlike Socrates) the politics (arête) is conceived not as law observance but as a means of knowledge with which the men obtain the success and power among the population - also addressing him to the choice of the good.

This idea of the Socratic good was carried out by Platonism and Aristotle. Aristotle in the Nicomanchea’s ethics divided the good that can be obtained with the pleasure from the good (divine) that can be achieved with mediation and the virtue of a good conduct. On the other hand the idea of relativism was furthered by Hume and Montagne, and it was considered the consequence of the same human nature, unable to transcend the human limits, all that Bacon called "idola specus". Instead Pascal talks about the relativism both under the teleological-metaphysic aspect and the psychological one.

In our present society, the principle of dialogue and free expression are the basis of politics and also of religion, because with dialogue we can arrive at a shared solution that even if is not the best, it still is valid.

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